a single flame lives and breathes without a flicker in a still room a single word writhes in silence without a flicker it moves around me a single mind swirls with inspiration without a flicker in a still world we transcend and change are scared to turn around for fear the flame will be gone.
get closer every day a closing of the way time is over, over time around they go to stop, to know. Another time I wonder vain, can they handle minds insane, I look to heaven, heaven hell, divided mind the question wells. Too little, little late, Too much to love, a horrid fate, Think of death of life and love, and oh, to love the stars above. freedom reigns, a vein explodes, my death too soon it comes, I go I think of dreams as yet undone, in life the pain and joy and fun. |
Jesus Mary Mother God, my veins explode, my head is pounding visions leap , I am inspired inside my journey's heart I'm tired Escape regret, be calm don't worry the strangle hold's release is past we ride the waves of strange sensation I feel the end is coming fast. A glimpse of god, I shed a tear my garment rends, divine delight I see the world from inside out I feel my mind from outside in It's black and white and red all over red as dawn a dirty sky an owl's face be calm don't worry a step ahead and glance behind. |
Infinity crosses and never ends it swirls in godly perfection as the hip of a woman or a stretch of mountains a picture of the earth or a mask made by a child a circle or an X a number, a state of mind a closure but an opening another way to see the end we all live in a molecule inside the ink on the edge of this infinity. |
Wise and forlorn to seas of empty time a distant voice on a broken record and a pair of legs without a body when five lights shine. It is endless the possible outcomes the limitless non existent bounds held within the finite reality of a blank piece of paper. Movement inside stillness of a man a brain a thought to move men to change reality. |
[Cover | Surroundings | Creativity | Darkness | Life | Nature | Love | Peace | Epilogue]
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