Peace, I know peace a serenity, my soul is still. A white bird flies over green trees and a red roof A dog barks a long way away I smell the smoke of a fire someone is warm. My breath is white, my face cold I dream of my love and I walk forever hoping to shake the chill. I lie awake in the morning and stare at the blue sky wondering why I do not stir Then I remember; together in the morning waking and sharing each other and not moving to get up until the afternoon. Sweet peace to know togetherness but today I am alone and far away. I will again see a morning with her and the thought makes me happy. |
Simplicity and a line a tear on the red face of a child wronged by a force we don't remember, a force we so soon forget. perhaps the volatile youth is a singular reminder of the necessary release of pressures and ideas which weigh, they lay a weight on the mind of maturity. to scream and play never give up in despair as the sun sets; to not sleep for excitement; to have the terror of dreams accompany one with twisted images for years to come. |
What would you say if you could say one thing and have it heard by every human on the planet? would you say love, perhaps follow, or learn to feel; maybe you'd say nothing and watch the world continue in darkness; maybe an utterance of desolate hopelessness for all mankind; or a request that we'll learn to live together think about this; you merely have to put pen to page and make a difference inside yourself to feel that you've made a difference in the world. for what is the world but the space inside your head in which you place and interpret all that is around you You are the world and every minute of every day you speak to each and every one of its inhabitants. say something you mean. |
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